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By Rokdog
#155192 I rent a remote server through an MC hosting service and I've got a user asking if I can install Pixelmon. I'm interested, but I don't know if it's possible to install pixelmon onto my server. Also, unlike plugins, each user would also have to install pixlemon as well correct?

Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere. Google searches and forum searches here haven't provided an answer yet, but I'll keep looking.


By Rokdog
#155194 Thought so. Any idea if this works with a remote server like I mentioned? Most of the install guides I've seen seem to run through Forge on a dedicated machine, a luxury I don't have. I can drag and drop and upload files to my server through FTP though.
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By MrMasochism
#155196 Yeah it works fine. Just make sure you are using a compatible version of forge. Recommended versions are lists on the download page