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By Dasco
#155358 The Side-Mod Trainer_Commands does not execute commands at win or loss.

Let's say I want to let the trainer execute the command /spawn (Teleporting me to spawn) on loss.

What I did was, use the command /tedit add loss /spawn @pl and right clicked my Trainer to add the command. I checked if it was there with /tedit list and it was there.

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By Dasco
#155360 I'm confused right now. So if I add the command /spawn @pl to the NPC, after win(or loss) it will execute the command on the NPC and not on me(the player)?
What I'm trying to do:
I want to make a Gym Leader tower and when you win from Gym Leader1 you will get teleported to a new floor (Gym Leader2). If you lose somewhere in the process, you'll get teleported back to spawn.