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By OmniPokemon
#155965 Aweee the radio wasn't implemented? But there's just so many uses for that little thing, I was definitely looking foreword to that.

In terms of Pokedollars though, I haven't been able to use it yet (still on 1.7) but how do you set it up? Is it just in the config or does it work with any money plugin?

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By MoeBoy76
#155966 The radio uses and external library so it wasn't ported
The money doesn't do anything atm cos nobody uses it, it doesn't hook into any plugins (would be pointless to do with bukkit, sponge has eco built in)
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By OmniPokemon
#155967 Yeah that's unfortunate, I wanted to have Pokemon music and stuff playing, music for events too. Woulda been a lot of fun :> (maybe re-consider adding it?)

So nothing changed for the Pixelmon mod's built in Pokedollars then? It always did nothing qq
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By SnowBlitzz
#155971 I think there are just some stuff better off removed since some plugins can handle that already, or to be more specific, most minecraft players are more used to.
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By Ghostofatitan
#156028 Guess my private server is the rare one that uses the pokecoins still since we don't much care for the plugins since it felt off when it came to shop transactions