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By SarcasticSoul
#156007 I have once again run into the infuriating bug that causes a pokemon to not learn a move you've just selected to learn (and then never attempt to learn it again). To my knowledge, the only way to fix this is to force it to relearn the move using the slash commands included with the Pixelmon Extras Sidemod. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get the mod to install correctly with the launcher. I've edited my profile, selected the Jar file and added it, the mod name appears under the "Mods" segment of my profile, and the jar file is in the Mods folder. However, the mod isn't showing up in the mods list in the actual game, and I can't use any of the commands. What am I doing wrong here?

By SarcasticSoul
#156034 I'm on 4.0.5. It seems to be random, but happens most often when a pokemon gains multiple levels at once. The move was also learned during evolution, as well. I was misremembering, but Squirtle learns Bite at 16, the same level at which it evolves. I knocked out a wild pokemon, it went from level 14 to 16, evolved and learned Bite. I erased Bubble for it, got into another battle, and Bite was gone. Bubble was still there.