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#156295 Are there really NPC Traders in Pixelmon? I play this game for very long time and I didn't see even a single Trader.

Are they really too hard to find?

#156501 Anyone?

I am playing in Single Player and I need to know if I can get Machamp, Golem, Gigalith and Gengar.

I play this game with my friends for over a month now and none of us found a Trader yet.

I am sure they don't exist anymore but I want to confirm this officially.
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By MoeBoy76
#156503 They don't spawn naturally afaik and if they do then the chance is probably 1% of the trainer spawn value
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By Some Body
#156506 I've looked in the code and I don't see anything that can spawn traders.
#156516 Oh! Can someone update the Wiki then? It says that Traders are the only way to obtain some Pokemon like Machamp in Single Player.
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By Some Body
#156517 Perhaps you should have checked back there since I said that.