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By CmdSmith
#156464 I just updated from 1.7.10 to 1.8 Pixelmon. I am using the latest, current version as of posting this (4.0.5). Maybe this is a bug, but maybe not. In 1.7.10, I was able to obtain the Zombie Gyarados. This seems to have been removed. Can anyone confirm this? I've already looked through the change log.

The second thing is picking up the Healer block. I know you cannot pick it up. You couldn't do that since they were implemented. However, I think there should be a config option to enable picking up healers or picking them up with silk touch.

The final thing is Pokemon size. I've seen a huge Todadile spawn right next to a tiny tiny Feraligator. This is one of the things absolutely bonkers with Pixelmon. Yes, I agree size should have a bit of variation, but this is getting out of hand, people! Once again, I suggest a config option. Kinda like this:

Code: Select all//All of the following options must be either true or false. If one is true, all other must be false.

Enable Pixelmon Sizes=true/false //true by defaule
Enable only alternative sizes=true/false //false by default (only small, ordinary, and huge.

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By MrMasochism
#156509 How about with growth in config I just add an option to modify the scale difference with growth so if you set it to 1 you get what we currently have and if you set it to 0.5 then you get half the current variation
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By CmdSmith
#156544 Is that in the new version that will be released soon? I cannot find it in my 4.0.5 config. And do you mean that instead of being microscopic to Ginormous at 1, .5 will be runt to giant or something similar? I see this config option:

# Increases size of Pokemon models in-game by 30%
B:"Scale models up"=true

Is this it?