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#156536 Yesterday I caught a Suicune. It went to my PC after caught. I went to my PC and changed it with my 1st party Pokemon (Articuno), and brought it out to get a closer look at it, ride it, etc. Then I put it back to my PC. Then I kept playing for a while and when I went back to my PC I noticed that in Suicune's slot in the PC was Articuno, and Articuno was also in my party. Suicune nowhere to be found.

Today I deposited and withdrew Articuno sometimes again in my PC. (This time in an empty slot) and again after checking a while back I noticed a 3rd cloned Articuno in this slot.

What the hell? I lost my Suicune coz of a stupid glitch and now I am searching for a new one. It's a real pain in the butt. Does anyone know how to revert the glitch? (without cheating by going gamemode 1 ofc. I don't like cheating)
