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By Ren
#156542 Firstly, I am sorry to have to make a thread about this, for I have been away from the website for a while. I was hoping someone could help me to understand what the 1st place skinning contest winners ended up receiving in game, what version we can expect to see it in or if it is in the mod now how to see it.

Also, are all sash users supposed to have hats in 1.8? I started up a multi server lastnight and friends of mine signed on with sashes and top hats. Once using ./redeem remove hat, /redeem hat name would not work and we could not obtain it again.

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By MrMasochism
#156576 I am really sorry about that. I thought that had been set up properly but it seems wires got crossed. I should have followed up on it further. I've moved you all into the proper forum group and I'll quickly make sure all the game stuff is working. Be right back
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By MrMasochism
#156577 Just tested with your mc details and it all appears to be working. Run redeem on a server and your group will get updated. You should then have access to all the hats. As to why other people had them I'm not sure. Will see if I can work that out
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#156700 they're not pixelmon related because I thought they'd jsut be funny to make. Fez was because of doctor who, fedora because everyone makes fun of it, and the top hat... mr. m wanted it