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#156556 Hi everyone! I was wondering, since legendary Pokemon spawn too rarely, if it would be possible to make the game somehow hit Esc when a legendary spawn and the message show up.

So, you afk yourself in the appropriate biome and leave the game opened, then when a legendary pokemon spawn the game automatically go to Esc menu. The gameplay freeze until you come and hit Esc again. So the Pokemon wont despawn.

Could this be possible somehow? Can we take advantage of the legendary Pokemon spawn message as a checker to auto-click a button?

#156564 What I noticed is that when I stay afk for some time then Pokemon stop spawning around me :S

When I walk for a little then new Pokemon spawn, but while I'm afk the area is clear.

I don't know why this is happening, maybe Pokemon spawning is much more different than minecraft Mob spawning. The despawning looks different too since Pokemon can despawn even if you are close to them (mobs do not).

I wonder if riding a minecart on a circle and be afk will make Pokemon spawn around me.

Does someone know how Pokemon spawning and despawning works exactly? Does it have to do anything with the distance of the player? The time?
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#156566 you have to unload the chunk despawn everything, a minecart would work yes. Or you can just let the day night cycle do its thing and despawn everything when its the right time of day. pick your poison
#156967 I tried to unload the chunk but it didn't despawn the Pokemon in that chunk.

It looks like when a Pokemon spawns a despawn countdown starts and until it's finished the Pokemon doesn't despawn (unless defeated). When the countdown ends even if the Pokemon is very close to the player it will still despawn.

This is how it works from what I noticed. Correct me if I'm wrong.