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By OmniPokemon
#156857 So I'm almost done making a new Pixelmon server, we're running on 1.7.10 and waiting on Sponge and plugins to update-like many others.

We will eventually be upgrading to the 1.8 version of everything, allowing us to use the new Pixelmon/Pixel Utilities combined mod, so my question is-can I safely use Pixel Utilities on my 1.7.10 version without anything breaking in server when we transfer?
For instance, blocks not existing anymore, ID's changing, ect.

Is there maybe a complete list of all the changes between stand alone Pixelutilities and the Pixelmonmod version?

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By MoeBoy76
#156860 The plan was to add an ID converter from pixelutilities: to pixelmon:, not sure if clienthax did it or not, if he didn't i'll get it added once i have time
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By MoeBoy76
#156864 Well you will lose anything that is still in PU 1.8 but yes, you should be fine