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By gsdfhf
#156878 Hey, so I need to know if it's possible to use /pokespawn to spawn a Pixelmon at a specific spot? Such as putting the co-ordinates somewhere in the command to enable that?

I would also like to know if trainers are supposed to not have dialogue after a battle if they give you something, or if that's just a bug, I'm using 1.7.10, but I didn't see this in the change-log.

One more thing I'm wondering, is if it's somehow possible to detect when a player wins or loses a battle against an NPC?

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By Some Body
#156906 Pixelmon Extras has the ability to spawn a Pokémon at specified coordinates. This feature is not in the default Pixelmon /pokespawn.

I will look into not having dialogue when giving items. This may or may not have been fixed in 1.8.

Trainer Commands can execute a command or series of commands when a Trainer loses or wins a battle.
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By Some Body
#156918 I have fixed Trainers not having dialogue upon giving items. It probably won't be in the upcoming 4.0.6 version, but will be in the version after that.