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By Codex
#156947 As the title says, i'm looking for the server.jar for pixelmon 4.0.6 and iv'e been looking around this website for an hour trying to find it. If you could, please link me to the server jar.

By Graham3D
#156955 It may be usable with both client and server; however, there isn't a server that supports both client mods and server plugins for 1.8. Cauldron, which normally does this, has halted all development at 1.7.10 to start working on Sponge. There is KCauldron, an unofficial spinoff; however, it's only 1.7.10 and seems to stay at that. Sponge is still in heavy development and isn't stable and while Craftbukkit may support 1.8, I don't think it supports mods.

This is why I've been pushing the developers for continued 1.7.10 support because anyone who plays Pixelmon with friends is almost 100% of the time required to stay at the 1.7.10 version.... I've spent hours upon hours looking for alternates to 1.7.10 and have yet to find anything, so, I'm required to stay at the outdated 1.7.10

Do you guys need donations or something to make you consider continuing 1.7.10 support? I know my server/community would be okay to donate to you guys if you would just continue it...