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By KSin
#157271 So awhile back I remember reading somewhere or in a server that the Nether needed to be disabled in Pixelmon because it doesn't support it and could cause a server to crash? Is that true? If so, could it happen in the End too?

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By MoeBoy76
#157272 The issues with other dimensions (ie everything but the overworld) was fixed in a 3.3.x version so you can go ahead use them if you wish
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By KSin
#157273 omg really?! I must've heard that a long time ago. xD

Thank you, MoeBoy76. :)
By bendgaming
#157278 I havent been to the nether or the end but the server itself has a great connection, sometimes maybe it lags or disconnect but thats when they're trying to make the server better which is a win win for everyone. So since there aren't many bugs on the server I don't think there would be bugs in the nether or the end/
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By KSin
#157298 *Another question from supposedly ancient knowledge*

Is that thing where putting a Pokemon Ranch in an enclosed building causes the Pokemon not to spawn? or I think I was told they spawned on the roof, but I never saw this.