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By GReimer
#157297 As I was digging I found a good old fashioned Minecraft dungeon but the mob spawner in it was just a spinning pig and didn't spawn anything. Is there a way to get these spawners active in the mod?


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By GReimer
#157306 Ok one last question, I found the config folder and opened the pixelmon.cfg document. What do I change to activate the spawners. I read through it and the closest thing I can see is:

# Allow creepers, skeletons, etc. to spawn in the world. DANGER - can kill you while battling
B:"Allow vanilla mobs"=false

By changing this to true won't this cause mobs to appear in other places other then the spawners? Or is there some other part I have to change?
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By GReimer
#157309 If I were to change to config file to true and do /gamerule doMobSpawning false in game would that disable to spawners? I know its possible to set it up. The server I play on has active spawners but not mobs spawn anywhere else. Im just trying to get it working on my single player.