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By Vctr
#157376 Hello everyone,

About 2 years ago I spent a huge amount of time working on the map of a server, I was almost finishing when miencraft decided to bring up that stupid EULA rules, so I decided not to continue with this project, because I knew that at the end I would have to end up spending money for keeping the server up, and bla bla bla, and my initial intention was to have a long term server that would pay for itself with donations.

So here I am again, I didn't really lost my love for mapping this map, I still have it and I WANT TO IMPROVE IT. Yet the problem is that I would love to make it a server, but im not sure if those rules are still up or if people found out a way to make money without breaking the rules.

I don't think it's possible to make money by restricting the access of the server unless you pay, no one is gonna pay it if they didn't play it previously.
If those rules would be up I would only sell those things:

- The chance to make your pokemon Shiny.
- The chance to change it's size.
- A new Saffari Zone, with some rare pokemon (but still you can find them everywhere, just less usual)
- Ranks (colours in your name, and those things. ''i think you can still do this without breaking the rules."

So, I would like to know if they changed any of those rules or they added more, and also, how are people currently making money in their servers?

I want to state this clear, my point is not to make money, that's secondary for me, But I don't want to be paying for the server from my pocket... and also it would be good to make some extra money, since Im going to spend a big amount of time in it and in constant changes (improvements), Time is gold.

Thanks for reading this kind of 'long' post, I tried to make it as simple as possible, and sorry for my english, long time I didn't write in this language :d

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By MrMasochism
#158255 The reason no one is replying is we don't feel we should comment on what is and isn't allowed by the mojang eula, there are reddit threads and mojang tweets/posts about this which is probably what you should refer to