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By Nerd
#157378 I am trying to update my homemade server but when I start up the world in the new version (after I have to use /fml confirm), most of the pixelmon items has magically turned into different stuff. The items in my inventories are random other items all together and pixelmon machines like the trademachine for instance looks like fencegates but is still operational. Seems to me like item id's gets mixed up.

Now I'm guessing either you cannot update an existing world from one version of pixelmon to another or I am doing something completely wrong. I'm hoping it's the second.

Does anyone know about this problem? And if so know how to safely update the server?

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By yoru-san
#157543 That does not happen because of pixelmon, they added a bunch of blocks/items in minecraft 1.8 so the pixelmon team had to change the pixelmon item ID's thats causing the mess. I had the same and didnt find a other solution than to start a new world so all the new pixelmon stuff can be spawned, too.