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By Some Body
#157666 I've attempted this myself and there appears to be a bug that causes the automatic stuff to not work. You'll have to do some additional setup.
1. Extract/Unzip the Spawn of Psyduck jar to somewhere outside the mods folder. Leave the jar file itself where it already is.
2. Inside, find the "BiomesOPlenty-PixelmonBiomePatcher.csv" file at assets/spawnofpsy.
3. Go to your config folder. There should be a "spawnofpsy" folder inside of it where you can place the .csv. If there is not, create the folder first.
4. Delete the spawnofpsy.cfg file and restart Minecraft.
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By HelenTheHero
#157682 I'll just wait for that bug to be fixed to try, when it comes to directions just in writing I can get confused and mess up something. :P