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By Aluue
#157644 I've been playing pixelmon for some time now so I thought why not add some mods. So I installed Bop (biomes o plenty), but when I played in bop world there weren't any pokemon spawning. I know there's spawn of psyduck but it would take ages to edit the spawn rate and biomes for EVERY single pokemon. So I was wondering, is there a faster way to make pokemon spawn in bop biomes?


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By Some Body
#157652 Spawn of Psyduck automatically initializes itself with spawning data in BoP biomes if you already have both Pixelmon and BoP installed.
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By HelenTheHero
#157658 What do you mean by restart Minecraft? I've wanted to try BoP in Pixelmon for a while, so keeping an eye on this post. Do you mean redownload it, or just relogging?