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#158073 Hm? Why the "Max number of air Pokemon (at one time)" exist then if all air Pokemon spawn as land Pokemon? :S

When I set the air parameter to a value and the land parameter to 0 then only air Pokemon spawn (like Zubats). When I set the land parameter to a value and the air parameter to 0 then Zubats don't spawn.

Pokemon like Zubat, Golbat and Braviary are affected by the air parameter (as well as Rayquaza, Lugia and Ho-Oh), while other bird Pokemon like Hoothoot are affected by the land parameter.

But this isn't the problem! The only actual problem is the legendary air Pokemon and their impossibility to spawn. If the legendary Pokemon had their own parameter and were not affected by the others (land, air, water, underground), then each legendary would have the same chances to spawn in the world (dependable only from the biome and the time of the day), thus Lugia for example would spawn at the same rate as Kyogre.

That's my idea of a solution. Unless I understood something wrong! :/

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By Some Body
#158074 "Air" and "Air persistent" are different. The air config option affects air persistent Pokémon only.

I'm not responding to your Legendary issue myself as I'm not involved in balancing spawn rates.
#158077 I see your point! It's ok then.

About the legendary issue lets wait for MrMasochism's respond then! It seems important enough though and it would be great if it gets fixed in the upcomming updates.
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By MrMasochism
#158168 What I mean by separate timer is it specifies that once every 10,000 spawns or so (random generator) that pokemon will be legendary
#158191 Yea but, if at that time the legendary Pokemon's species limit is reached (for example during the 10,000th spawn the number of air Pokemon is at its maximum (which would be very common), then Lugia misses its chance to spawn, and probably another Legendary will spawn instead (such as Kyogre). Right?
#158316 By the way, this timer resets when each time you leave and enter the server again, or it keeps track of the number of spawns in memory?

Also, if what I'm saying in my previous post is correct, then my list is accurate and air Pokemon have much too less chances to spawn, below the other legendaries. Unless if you build some kind of trap that prevents other air persistent Pokemon from spawning or make them disappear fast after spawning somehow (defeat, burn, drown, nether portal, etc)
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By Some Body
#158318 If you think they are too rare, that's why the config exists. If your issue is the disproportionate rarity between them, just change the offending Pokémon into land spawns in the database.
#158321 No, you're missing my point! I just want to point out that with this mod structure some legendaries are nearly to impossible to spawn in compare with others that are much more easier, making the game kinda unrealistic or unfair if you prefer. I wanted to point this out in case, not for personal reasons but as an advice in order to make the mod better. So if it could be changed in the next updates so all legendaries will have the same spawning chances.

I posted also a "possible" (in my opinion) solution about that with legendaries having their own Pokemon category instead of sharing the same spawning mechanics with other species (land, air, underground, water). If I'm not mistaken, with this way when the legendary timer hits "legend spawning time" then the game will not have to check if there are any open slots in the other categories' limits (like if there are already 2 air pokemon in the wild, or 40 water pokemon in the oceans) in order to spawn a legendary. It will check only the legendary category (which would be 0 of cource since there wont be any other legendaries out there, and spawn one in a completely random biome. This would give the same chances for example to a Lugia, Kyogre and Suicune in an area with Deap Ocean biome with Beach biomes around it.

As the mod is structured now, when the legendary timer's time is up, (supposing you are in a said area with Deap Ocean and Beach biomes) the game checks:
1) Number of air Pokemon: 2 limit (probably there will be 2 air Pokemon out there so screw you Lugia)
2) Number of water Pokemon: 40 limit (less then 50 so lower chances for Kyogre to spawn)
3) Number of land Pokemon: 50 limit (probably Suicune will spawn)

This can be confirmed that it works this way if you set the legendary counter to 1 instead of 22000. Then go to a such area and look the results. You will see a ton of Suicunes, much lower Kyogre spawns, 0-1 Lugias spawns.

This is what I wanted to point out in this thread just in case the modders didn't thought of that when making the script, and hoping if it could be changed in the newer updates for a more realistic game. :)
#158430 I see Rayquaza's spawning time has be changed in the Wiki from only Dusk to Dawn/Dusk. So it has at least twice the chances now to spawn. Still very low though! I updated the list in the first post! xD

MrMasochism I'm still wating for your reply on that. Do you think this can be fixed in the newer updates so every legendary will have exactly the same chances to spawn?
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By Some Body
#158441 Dawn and dusk have always been connected. This was just not reflected on some of the pages until these errors were caught recently.