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#157890 So, in the Pixelmon Wiki it says that legendaries have all a 1/22000 chance to spawn. But given facts that some of them spawn in weird biomes and at weird times in the day it makes some of them more "rare" than others. I tried to put them in an order accodring to their rarity and i want your opinions on that, in case I'm missing something.

Here's my list from the rarest to easiest to find legendary:
1. Rayquaza! Given the fact that it's a flying Pokemon it makes it extremely rare to spawn coz air Pokemon have a maximum limit of 2 at one time in the world. Also, Rayquaza spawns at Dawn/Dusk which is just 3 mins in a Minecraft day (1.5 Dawn +1.5 Dusk). 3 mins in a MC day and with a limit of only 2 air Pokemon at a time per world i think it takes the first place without a doubt. With 1/22000 (chances to spawn) x2 (being an air Pokemon) in 3 mins per MC day Rayquaza seems impossible to spawn.

2. Lugia! Again air Pokemon, so same difficulty, but this one can spawn during the whole nightime, which is 7 mins in a MC day, so it makes it easier than Rayquaza. Also, Lugia needs a land area to spawn, coz air Pokemon can't spawn directly above an Ocean/Deep Ocean biome, so in order for it to spawn you must make some kind of platform above a Deep Ocean biome. Otherwise you will get only Kyogres.

3. Ho-Oh! Another air Pokemon but with a spawntime at daytime, so 10 mins per MC day. So a bit easier than Lugia. Btw, with the daytime Pokemon you have the advantage that you can sleep in the bed to skip the night. So you can technically have daytime all the times. But still the fact that it is an air Pokemon makes it by default harder than other nightime Pokemon, coz of the 2 per world thingy.

4. Raikou! Land Pokemon but it spawns only during Dawn and Dusk time which is 1.5 + 1.5 = 3 mins perm MC day. Ofc land Pokemon can be 40 at a time in the world, which makes it more spawns that water Pokemon per time, and the only water legendary Pokemon is Kyogre which spawns at nightime, so 7 mins per day. But I belive that 3 mins per day against 7 mins per day overpowers the 40 spawns per time against 20 spawns per time, so I place Raikou above Kyogre just for that reason.

5. Kyogre! For the reasons I mentioned above. Water Pokemon with 20 spawns per time and just 7 mins per day to spawn (nightime)

6. Suicune! Again spawning at nightime so 7 mins per MC day, but unlike Kyogre this is a land Pokemon so it has more spawn chances per time (40) unlike Kyogre with 20.

7. Mew, Groudon, Entei, Selebi! All of them share the same conditions. Daytime spawn (10 mins per MC day) and land Pokemon (40 spawns per time). Easiest of them all. Only the biome rarety matters here.

Any thoughts? I believe Pixelmon onwers should chance something in air Legendary Pokemon spawnings coz they seem way to difficult to spawn, especially Rayquaza.

What legendaries do you own? I managed to get 2 Groudon, 1 Suicune (actually found 3 but the 1st got glitched, the 2nd got lost; never found where it spawned and it despawned, and the 3rd is the one I have now), Entei and Raikou! Now I am searching for Lugia. :)

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By MrMasochism
#157928 Legendary spawning isn't tied to the base spawning mechanic. Your rarity list isn't really a representation of how it actually works
#157944 Hmmmm... so you mean that the fact of Rayquaza being an air Pokemon isn't included in the 2-per-time limit of air Pokemon? Can Rayquaza still spawn if there are already 2 air Pokemon in the world?
#158046 WOW! That's very interesting!

Does that "seperate counter" means that they have standar spawning time? Can this be calculated somehow? Or randomness plays a role here too?

It happened that I found 2 legendaries in the same day and another time it took me a whole week to find the next one.
#158047 I did some testing in my test server and I noticed that Legendary Pokemon ARE affected by those numbers.

For example setting...:
I:"Max number of land/air/water/underground Pokemon (at one time)"=0
I:"Legendary spawn rate"=1 Pokemon was spawning in the world (normal or legendary).

but after giving one of them a value, such as land Pokemon, then... poof... world full of Suicunes, etc. Then I set the land Pokemon to 0 again and the air Pokemon to a value (40), then Lugias, Rayquazas and Ho-Ohs were spawning (as well as other air Pokemon like Zubats, Braviaries and Fearows.

What I'm not sure about is if Legendaries use their own limiters. For example if all the air Pokemon use the 2 per world limit and Lugias,Rayquazas and Ho-Ohs use their own 2 per world limit! So you can possibly have 2 normal air Pokemon and 2 legendary air Pokemon in the world at the same time. But I think they share the same limiter.

But if they share the same limiter with normal Pokemon then it is TOO LOW for air legendary Pokemon to spawn. Rayquaza is IMPOSSIBLE to get then. If so, please do something about that in the next updates. :(
#158048 Oh... one more thing!

It says here that "Air Spawn" Pokemon spawn on land but count towards the total amount of air Pokémon rather than land Pokémon in regards to maximum spawn limits. But during my testing Pokemon like Murkrow and Hoothoot were spawning only when I had set "Max number of land Pokemon (at one time)" to a value and regardless what I has set the "Max number of air Pokemon (at one time)".

So they could spawn with:
"Max number of land Pokemon (at one time)"=40
"Max number of air Pokemon (at one time)"=0

but not when
"Max number of land Pokemon (at one time)"=0
"Max number of air Pokemon (at one time)"=40

They seemed to count towards the number of land Pokemon instead of air! :S
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By Some Body
#158059 I'm not particularly sure where that error originated, but I've have verified in the code that you are correct.
#158060 So, Hoothoot and Murkrow are considered "land Pokemon" in the mod scripts?

About the legendary Air Pokemon, I think that they should get better spawning mechanics than now. Now they are TOO rare to spawn in the world since that 2-per-world limiter applies to them too somehow.

If they had their own category, like "Max number of legendary Pokemon (at one time)"=X as well as the "Legendary spawn rate"=22000 then they would use their own limiter regardless of their species (water, air, land). So a Suicune (land legendary) would spawn at the same rate as Ho-Oh (air legendary). So after setting:
"Max number of legendary Pokemon (at one time)"=40
"Legendary spawn rate"=1 would get the same amount of Lugia spawns as well as Kyogre spawns in Deep Oceans.
Right now if you set just the "Legendary spawn rate"=1, you get a ton of Kyogres and very very few Lugias. (and much more Suicunes in nearby Beaches, as land Pokemon limit > water Pokemon limit) :/
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By Some Body
#158061 In regards to spawning, air Pokémon are land Pokémon. However, their AI after spawning is somewhat different.