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By Graham3D
#157898 Hi, I was wondering if there was a way to disable the Pixelmon music without having to manipulate the in-game settings? Like a setting in a config file?

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By JamieS1211
#157907 there is a setting in the config file to disable the custom pixelmon music and use the normal minecraft music instead.
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By MoeBoy76
JamieS1211 wrote:there is a setting in the config file to disable the custom pixelmon music and use the normal minecraft music instead.

except that it is locked to true in code, which it says in the comment

in relation to the question:
yes and no, you can turn music off manually in the options.txt file in the .minecraft folder by setting it to 0 but that's the same as turning it all the way down in-game
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By Propheci
#157935 Im a little bit hazy on custom sounds via resource packs, are those disabled as well or are those able to be used?
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By MrMasochism
#158008 Custom sounds would work for pokemon cries, however with music, due to minecraft's failed music system we had to basically override the thing which means resource packs can't replace the music
By Graham3D
#158075 Thank you for the replies everyone. MrMasochism, I ask because the music will start playing at random times while my music is playing in world guard regions. If I leave one region and enter another, it will stop the pixelmon music and start mine. However though, like I was saying, if I'm in a region for awhile, the pixelmon music will play while my music plays.

PS, Quick Reply isn't working at all.