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By AmokomA
#157992 Hey guys,
I´m currently playing on a Pixelmon Server, the problem is that everyone on this server has to choose a new starter after joining it.
Is there any way to fix it?

By Graham3D
#158006 So uh, when people first join your server, they're prompted to choose their pokemon? That's kinda a default feature lol.
You can turn it off in the settings.
By AmokomA
#158022 no i mean that it resets all the time, so everyone lost their pokemon and had to choose a new starter and after leaving the server an reconecting they have to chosse the starter again
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By MoeBoy76
#158026 This is only a problem if you are running your server in offline mode and your players are cracked, in which case the solition is to not be a cracked server