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By ShirahimeSyo
#158127 I made an account just to ask this and, honestly, you guys seem so professional that I'm shocked that I need to. But, damn, make a page or some sort of easy-to-find indicator of what Forge version belongs to which Pixelmon version. I'm sure there's an easy to read page somewhere but I am here to remind you that it is not easy to find. My own 4.0.5 version has been broken since the Java update, which I realize is not a Pixelmon problem. But it has been months since then and now, with 4.0.6, I am trying to find the proper Forge version for that Pixelmon version and I cannot find it. If it is with the original Pixelmon download, great! Please make that more obvious because I'm an idiot who can't find it, I guess. If it is the same Forge version as previous Pixelmons, great, but PLEASE make that a note somewhere! If I've missed something important, I am legitimately sorry.

In short, it feels too involved to find which version of Forge corresponds with which version of Pixelmon. Please, please, please make it easier to find. If there is a problem with my own version, then I understand. But please make it easier to find out whether it is my problem or whether it is a Forge problem. I am a shy person and making a forum post embarrasses me beyond measure. Please, make this just a little bit easier.

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By MoeBoy76
#158128 have you tried reading the download page that explicitly states the version of forge between the version and the download link?