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By xanderindalzone
#158162 I've made a 1.8 server and I would like to use some of the pixelmon sidemods to make it better cuz theres no plugins in 1.8, but they're all for MC 1.7.10...

Can you update them? But dont overwrite the 1.7.10 sidemods download links cuz I have a 1.7.10 pixelmon server too. :)

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By MoeBoy76
elxanderOMG wrote:But dont overwrite the 1.7.10 sidemods download links cuz I have a 1.7.10 pixelmon server too. :)

Isi is going to do that but he is holding off until the launcher has auto-downloading for them before making the fancy new downloads page
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By xanderindalzone
#158188 thx for the info ;-)