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By JamieS1211
#158248 You can change the database on your local game or on a server you own to edit the list of ride-able pokemon if you want to. Otherwise pokemon riding is decided by Ghost usually dependant on size.
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By JamieS1211
#158296 That is in the config.yml To edit your database you need to replace the database.db with a database.db you changed with your choices in the pixelmon jar. This edited pixelmon jar needs to be the jar that the server runs or on your own client if you want to change something just for your singleplayer.
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By MoeBoy76
#158301 ^ partly correct
You should be making a copy of the database folder then rebaming it to customdatabase, editing the Pixelmon2.h2.db file inside will allow a server owner to keep any changes between versions without having to constantly modify the pixelmon.jar, they will need to make changes to the database if any new Pokemon are added