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By Flashback083
#158652 Hello everybody ! I search the mod supermodbanner which stop players have gameshark and pokeradar but i cant found the download link, of course i find this : but i cant compile to have .jar ><

Thanks to give download link if you have this, and sorry im french ;)

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By MoeBoy76
Flashback83 wrote:Hello everybody ! I search the mod supermodbanner which stop players have gameshark and pokeradar but i cant found the download link, of course i find this : but i cant compile to have .jar ><

Thanks to give download link if you have this, and sorry im french ;)

if you put gameshark on your server you can set all the options to false in the config and then any user will not be able to use the options you set to false
and pokeradar isn't even updated to 1.7.10
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By Some Body
#158664 It's a mod. It's also a sidemod.

If what you're thinking is that everyone will suddenly have access to GameShark when you install it server-side, no.