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By MagnaCharge
#158964 Legendarys.

Some of the most powerful Pokemon there is.

From Power Herb Xerneaus
To Mega Rayquaza

But there is one question,
Whats your favorite Legendary?

Personally I like Rayquaza and Lugia.

Have a nice day!

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By dyinghere
#158966 Mine has been Entei ever since I was a little girl and saw the movie haha. No real reason other than that.
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By FluffyWubblers
#158969 Darkrai. probably because my first game was pokemon platinum and he was my favorite from that game
By IaeyanElyuex
#158977 Lugia. I have wanted to be this Pokémon. Lugia can dive to the deepest trench and soar to the heights of the sky. It can understand both humans and Pokémon.