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Would you like to have this option incorporated in to the mod?

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By momoman1614
#159229 I am an admin on a server, and as I was spectating an elite 4 battle today I thought to myself, "Man it would be cool if my chat log showed the move used on which pokemon, how much damage it did, how much is left, and which pokemon fainted." As a spectator of battles it would not only be more interesting to see the battle details appear, but it would be more helpful in official battles. I suggested to my friends that there should be an option for the spectators to type a command when within a certain radius of a battle, thus allowing you to see all the details of the battle. With luck, it would be nice to see this incorporated into the mod if possible. If a thread similar to this idea has been said, then I guess there is a fan base for this already and that is good to see!