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By Flashback083
#159265 Hello ! i work on server morph and pixelmon, also morph have a Abilitie list .
I want to add each entity pixelmon in this config to add abilities when we morph in pixelmon (float if we are Starly etc..) but im stuck :/ i need the exact name of entity and the line like this : but for pixelmon >w<

Thanks to anwser ^^

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By MrMasochism
#159285 Pixelmon doesn't work like that. Due to having hundreds of entities I figured having a class for each pokemon would be a nightmare to implement. So instead every single pokemon is just a com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.entities.EntityPixelmon instance

That probably makes the morph thing impossible unless the developer builds specific support
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By MoeBoy76
#159294 Morph works fine with Pixelmon as long as you set "write entities to world save"=true
After that the only way to morph is by using /morph morphtarget <player>
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By Flashback083
#159329 MoeBoy : thanks but i already know this tips ^^ just i want to add abilities but MrMasochism (i love your pseudo xD)
Anwser me so thanks even if im sad :( xD