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By SpiderzPlays
#159578 Hi sorry if this is in the wrong place, but I asked so many times and I didn't know where else to go. I want to donate to the mod and get the sash, but I forgot the username I used with the email I used to get Minecraft so I can't link my Minecraft to the Forums to get the sash. Please help. I don't know how this can be done maybe if i give you the email you can delete the account so I can make a new one I will remember or if I give you the email you can let me know the username so I can reset the password. I also didn't use the Board Administrator because for some reason I could use the link it wouldn't work for me!

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By Isi
#159586 It'd be better that you use the forgot password feature to recover your account. Failing that, adjust your Minecraft email temporarily to link the accounts.