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By EpicTrollFace00
#159673 So I have been testing and testing, and I've noticed bugs here and there but this isn't a post for bugs. I decided to lift off this post with some useful information about the incredibly bug filled apricorn!

Step 1: Don't place an apricorn within 1 block of another apricorn. (They will break, the lovable farm plant we all needed to get balls, now acts as part cacti. Though some of you may still walk among them)

Step 2: This is a little detail that took me a little while to catch onto, DON'T plant an apricorn on soil such as Dirt (NOT GRASS BLOCK, DIRT) and the reason for that is because in 4.0.7 when you plant an apircorn on Dirt and then that Dirt block you planted it on turns into an "Grass Block" that apricorn will break. I advise to have some sort of flat land (Plains preferably, as to it is one of the less labor required surfaces to work a farm on)

Step 3: Yes, pokemon will sometimes trample your beautiful farm. I don't know why it happens or if it was intended but pixelmon will sometimes break your precious apricorns.

Step 4: Always have a back up apricorn of the color you want to plant down before you use it because, it will probably break and you'll have to take that trip all the way back to the forest to grab that dang yellow apricorn again.

I will try to add to this little guide/list as long as it's not deleted by administrators.
I hope this helps you all! Have fun with the newest version of Pixelmon!