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By 4dus
#160218 Greetings everyone!Im currently search for 3-4-5 players that wanna skype , make a server for ourselves and play together.I find this mod more fun with some friends everyone farming for himself then fight and see who is the best!I hope you can join me :)

Add me on skype: raduculet1

Also you dont have to be a fluent english speaker [i am not either] but you still need to know the basics and you should be able to conversate.

Hope you have good thoughts about my ideea and who is interested in more details please contact me on skype.

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By KyoSohma
#160233 Hey 4dus, I sent you a request on skype to find out more about what type of server you want to do, I am usually online any time Im on my pc, but I may not be online when you accept it, Ill try to switch between offline and online mode to give you an idea of when i get on.