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By Haazo
#160234 I installed the trainer commands side mod on my server but it won't work. The commands work and it allows me to add commands to the trainer but the commands are not run after the trainer wins/loses. I am trying to make it so that the trainers give the player money after the player beats them, the current commands I have tried are:
"/tedit add loss /eco give @pl 100"
"/tedit add loss /pay @pl 100"

I even tried changing loss to win, and also taking the slash out of the eco and pay commands. I also tried using the "/pokeheal @pl" command which is on the wiki and that didn't do anything either. Pls help if anybody knows. I am also running IvsEvs sidemod, Pixelmon Extras, and Spawn of Psyduck. Server is on 1.7.10