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By Syls
#160330 Hello guys , i have a probleme with Pixelmon , i want to change the drop of (for an exemple bulbasaur)

So i use h2 database but when i change one line in the board

Exemple :

n1 | Pokemon Id 35 | Item drop : Vine | Number max drop : 1 | Freq of drop 30

change to

n1 | Pokemon Id 35 | Item drop : Diamond | Number max drop : 1 | Freq of drop 80

when i load my game all modifications are reset :/

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By JamieS1211
#160336 The database file is being overwritten when you load the game. To change this there is two ways.
either rename your database folder or create a new folder called custom database and place your edited database file into it, Pixelmon will load the database from there instead of extracting it from the jar every load

The second way (not recommended) is to remove or rename the database file in the pixelmon jar and then place your edited file in there.