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By shtwophell
#160513 Hello there,

I apologise if this is not in the correct area.

I am running a 1.8 server with the most recent version of pixelmon.

My players have been asking me about checking their IV's for the last few weeks.

I haven't been able to tell them any news on the IV's sidemod as I assume its still quite a way away.

Is there an alternative way to check the IV's in game? without a mod?

Nobody wants to do any breeding or too much catching until they can check their IV'S!

Thank you all for your time

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By MoeBoy76
shtwophell wrote:Hello there,

I apologise if this is not in the correct area.

I am running a 1.8 server with the most recent version of pixelmon.

My players have been asking me about checking their IV's for the last few weeks.

I haven't been able to tell them any news on the IV's sidemod as I assume its still quite a way away.

Is there an alternative way to check the IV's in game? without a mod?

Nobody wants to do any breeding or too much catching until they can check their IV'S!

Thank you all for your time

we are having an small issue with the CDN so the next launcher update (and therefore 1.8 side-mods release) is being delayed, it should be resolved soon and then you can get all the 1.8 side-mods you want
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By shtwophell
#160518 Thats wonderfull to hear, Is there anything I could relay back to them?

I apreciate you cant give me anything concrete in terms of a release date, however would you be able to ballpark me a timescale?

Is it days or weeks? or would a couple of months be a more realistic figure?

Thank you for your help