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By naeclosa
#160533 Hi, I browsed internet for two hours, I tried many steps, but I cant get working pixelmon (forge) with bukkit plugins. is there any server (project) which supports both? I would like to create server with auth + anti grief plugin and of course pixelmon. Can someone please help me? thank you

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By JamieS1211
#160536 This does exist, it is called cauldron. However due to issues with bukkit itself the project was abandoned and the people who made cauldron now work on sponge. Therefore cauldron dosn't exist for 1.8 so you can't use it with pixelmon 4+. Sponge when it is finished will be able to load mods and plugins but will use a different api than that of the bukkit api so you won't be able to run bukkit stuff unless something that allows that is implemented is released (there is currently a project for sponge called pore that is trying to do this).

Hope this answers your question.
By naeclosa
#160572 thank you for you answer. when I used sponge, I managed to start pixelmon server, but when I added Pore, I could not start server. I need atleast basic anti grief protection + authentication, is it possible to do it within forge?
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By Jay113355
#160672 There are some forge mods that act like plugins
ForgeEssentials Being the biggest. if I'm not mistaken it has a way to protect land.
You can browse this for some more

I dont know how to help you with 'authentication'.