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By door
#161747 I cannot thank you enough for fixing that Sun Stone tool/weapon replacing bocks thing!!

Everything that was causing me an issue in 4.0.7 seems to be working in 4.0.8! I also realized how quiet it was in the world when a lot of the pokemon were not saying their name over and over. Even with the new villagers turned off this is a fantastic release!

Now if I can figure out how to get my server running with the new villager system I will be ecstatic!

Thank you again from a server maintainer!

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By Some Body
#161748 Just saying, the sun stone tool bug would have been fixed sooner if anyone bothered to report it.
By door
#161764 I honestly did not know it was a bug, I figured that is how it was designed.

hehe Its not a bug its a feature :)