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By Tassyr
#162028 So while I love this mod, I'm running into one big problem.
A lot of the really important resources- to name a few, milk, gunpowder, beef, chicken, eggs, cloth (In big letters there) bone and virtually every alchemical ingredient is now rarer than diamond as you have to hunt down one specific pokemon, beat it, and then get a SINGLE ITEM.

Is there something I'm missing here, or is the 'craft' side of minecraft kinda eliminated? I'm really getting stuck on how to progress at this point.

Additionally- why isn't there a 'repel block' or something? I keep trying to farm, but mobs, move trainers and those random-battlers keep wandering through and screwing up what little food I DO manage to get to grow!

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By CrazyQuilman157
#162032 First of all, Pokemon cannot spawn on certain blocks., and I think I'm right in assuming NPCs cannot spawn indoors. Another thing: you don't have to catch a Pokemon to get milk, wool, or lava, but it still works if you do catch them. You can also alter the config file to allow Vanilla mobs to spawn.
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By CrazyQuilman157
#162033 The only issues are exclusive mob drops, and most of the important ones are easy to come by. You can also use the Forage external move. Check the wiki on that, especially if you want to, say, spawn a Wither or reach the End.