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By Aceina
#162389 I had a question about modeling, but when I went to the link at the top of the guidelines page it was broken, so I'm asking it here:
What is the difference between obj and SMD? and what is SMD?
From what I can tell, models in game that are just obj's dont have any smoothing; you can see each hard edge on the model. Is there something i can do to make it a SMD?
Also, some of the models say to be posted or whatever on this sheet:
model progress sheet
But i can't find the posts about them anywhere (I suppose they are not yet posted, but would it be rude to make a post if I know I could get it done faster?)

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By MoeBoy76
#162393 on SMD:
the main difference is that it allows for the smooth shading option for the regular model file and any extra SMDs are just the animations

you would only need to worry about SMDs if you wanted to help animate, all the models are still .obj and the animation process outputs the SMDs from there

the guidelines post needs to be updated to link to this:
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By JamieS1211
#162414 when a model is animated the export produces a SMD file for the model / rig and then a secondary SMD for each set of keyframes. So most pokemon will have 3 SMD files, the model / rig then a walk and idle SMD.