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By PixelmonT
#162828 So I caught up with a video of Pixelmon on Youtube. I honestly couldn't believe my eyes it looked insane. So cool.

I really want to play it, but I have literally no idea. I'm not completely computer illiterate, but I've never played a game on my computer (a very average laptop) before and wondered what I can do to play this game?

Can I get Minecraft on Steam? (I've got this downloaded at least) Do I have to join someone elses game or can I run one myself?Would itbe easy for me and a friend to do this together?

I'm not even sure I'm on the right forum. This is INCREDIBLE. Well done to whoever did this.

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By Some Body
#162832 Minecraft is not on Steam. You'll have to buy it on Minecraft's website.

Once you've figured out how to play Minecraft itself, you can follow the instructions here to install Forge and Pixelmon.

There are many resources around the web for joining servers, hosting a server yourself, and using LAN for local multiplayer.
By PixelmonT
#162843 How easy is that going to be? Is it going to work on a very standard laptop (I could definitely get something more) and am I going to have to be semi literate in computing to be able to do it? It seems that there's a lot of difficulties with coding around here and I am completely thrown by that stuff.
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By Some Body
#162844 System requirements for Minecraft are easily searchable on the web.

You don't need to code. That's what we do for you.