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By FoxyOfDarkness
#163922 So I've been thinking.
1.8 has been out for about half a year (or more, I don't know) and almost no servers have tried to update to 1.8 on their Pixelmon. The biggest reason apparently is that servers can't update their plaguing along with it.
What the crap? It's been half a year and plugin creators still aren't updating?! I need some clarification on this, and I figured the only place to go is either here or Planet Minecraft, and they never answer my questions.

By Vikerus
#163938 Simple, need more coders.
By imaapseudonym
#163940 Mr. M has suggested he wouldn't mind stepping in for those coders on certain plugins. He is VERY eager to get servers to 1.8

A large issue I keep noticing though when I go to the sponge website is just the fact it still feels in beta, and that's mostly because it is. Developers are avoiding it because of that (I believe) and add to that the fact that bukkit is still living on in the form of spigot and etc...

But anywho. Its really what Vikerus said. "Developers, Developers, Developers" - Steve Ballmer
By FoxyOfDarkness
#163952 Devs are avoiding it because it's in beta.
I'm going to shut up for a few hours after that. I think my voice box broke.
By imaapseudonym
#163984 Well, there are the developers who are developing the api. The Sponge team. Then there are the developers writing the plugins.

The developers writing the plugins are waiting for the developers who are creating the Api to add in hooks for their plugins to work, to stop changing existing hooks, and to see what will be included with the core sponge experience. I noticed several have discontinued their plugins because they are no longer needed.

I feel like sponge needs to stop treating their project as an alpha or a beta release (even if it is still), and push for developers to program for their platform.

The gradual adoption it is trying for doesn't seem to be working for them.

Right now it works more like this. Plugin developers are waiting for Servers and sponge.Servers are waiting for plugin developers and sponge. Sponge is being sponge.
By Vikerus
#164371 Sponge... Sponge never changes.
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By MoeBoy76
Vikerus wrote:Sponge... Sponge never changes.

you mean bukkit/spigot users/developers right? cos right now Sponge is always changing, they are continually adding new stuff and making what they already have better
By imaapseudonym
#164414 Pretty much exactly what Moe said. Which I love about sponge. When it gets much more stable (meaning.. Less change.. Not coding errors) , I think it's going to be an amazing platform. I cannot wait for that time when sponge becomes the dominant platform..