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By Grmpixelmon
#164108 Does anyone here have a working 1.8 pixelmon server?
what pixelmon version do you use?

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By UrsaiGaming
#164342 I do not have the IP right this second, but there is a YouTuber named EtonGaming who owns one that works pretty well. The only thing is that you have to like and follow him on a couple of websites before hand, or he won't let you onto the server. You should be able to search him on YouTube and find him easily, though.
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By Tyceus
#164354 Yea, I'm not a huge fan of that fact. There is a server called Rc-Gamers who have a test server or use to. I'm sure if you google it, you'll find it.
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By UrsaiGaming
#164355 You aren't wrong, it is annoying that he is that desperate to achieve the extra views on YouTube. Saltiness aside, RC-Gamers (in my eyes) has always been a fun and reliable time. I am sure their 4.x server is decent quality, if not exemplary.
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By bhoqure
#164766 Im working on building up my adventure map server. it will have quests, shops, custom spawning, and lots of different variety of events when i open it up for testing.