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By Jaydoss
#164286 As a feature of being a high ranking donator on my server I would like to have their Essentials kit be of the second highest:
- 24 Ultra Balls
- 10 Rare Candies
- Diamond tool set (Eff 4 Unb 2)
- 3 Golden Hourglasses
- 1 Random Egg
- 1 Fossil Block

and even better for the highest, but as of yet I am unable to find out how to put /pokegiveegg random into a Essentials kit.

If you know how to do it, or know if it is possible or not please respond as soon as you can.

Thanks for reading this and thank you for your help.


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By MrMasochism
#164287 The problem here is that the egg is not an item. You'd probably have to make a side-mod that made an item which executed pokegiveegg on activation
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By urbymine
MrMasochism wrote:The problem here is that the egg is not an item. You'd probably have to make a side-mod that made an item which executed pokegiveegg on activation

what would you have to do to create a sidemod like that. also, would it be possible to program that command to only work once for every player triggering it?
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By MoeBoy76
#164290 There are multiple ways of doing this but i won't say any since i don't like bukkit or enjin
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By Isi
#164339 Or just use the 'MyCommand" plugin to execute the kit command alongside the pokegiveegg command.

Then throw something like this into it's command.yml :-

Code: Select all'1':
#The actual command that will be executed when the player uses the cooldown command.
  command: /example
   - /kit [kitname] $player
   - /broadcast Isi is awesome!
   - /pokegivegg random $player
#By giving a player this permission they can bypass the cooldown
  permission-node: mykit.thatkitmain
  permission-error: 'You do not have permission to use this!'
#You would give this permission to the player for a working cooldown
  command: /example
  type: COOLDOWN
  delaytimer: [Time in seconds]
  permission-node: mykit.thatkit
  permission-error: 'You do not have permission to use this!'