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By DiscoverNewWorlds
#164496 You say you want to help all types of servers? I want to open a server but I want to make custom side mods and plugins that reference the pixelmon code. Now I cant do that with out the source code. I have unique ideas that I would love to just have on my server that would improve tons of stuff. Not to go off and profit from it just to make a unique experience truly unlike any other server. Now shouldn't I be able to do that? Or are you not trying to help the servers? I used to play on pixelmon gaming and they had full custom servers with like level 255 as max or shinies and normal pokemon reversed. What happens if someone else wants that. THEY CANT HAVE IT. Whys this. Because they arent the head admin. If I want a safari games server I have to pay a host an OUTRAGEOUS amount of money just to get a simple server. I want to put it in my own machines that I pay way less price per GB of ram. I cant do that.... So you do not care about servers.

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By Phanatos
#164499 No its a balance of them caring about themselves as well. Downloads from there pages equals income - the little income they have from this mod. Custom side mods breeds a competitive environment which would give servers with the best coders or most money a significant advantage over newer servers trying to make there way. It basically would allow select servers to monopolize on pixelmon and kill off new servers trying to make there way. How can you even begin to say they don't care when in reality they cater to the majority?
By DiscoverNewWorlds
#164507 Then I want to buy custom content directly from pixelmon. That will fix the revenue issue for pixelmonmod. Yes servers that are the top get custom content. Its like an economy. Big companies buy to stay big and little companies have to spend money to make the money. Just because its servers doesnt mean its not an economy.
By imaapseudonym
#164512 They used to allow access to the source code. It was abused so it was removed.

Similar thing happened with the 1.7.10 3.5.x releases.

One group of players ruin it for the bunch. The Pixelmon team did try that. Just didn't work because dumb people are dumb.

Anywho, I don't see an issue. Been with the Pixelmon community for 3 years (different account) and they have always been great.

I'm sorry that you are the 1%. The rest of us frankly don't care.
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By MrMasochism
#164516 If there was a way to have custom server content which didn't cause massive infighting, huge money being thrown at devs to get them to help one server and no others and big productivity loss on the main pixelmon development I'd be open to it. However, what we had before was causing all those issues and many more besides.

It's better this way, if you want some particular content you can always get a dev to join our team and develop custom content that all servers can enjoy