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By MetalSpartan659
#164475 Ok, so what I want to know is will the new verions of pixelmon (4.0.x) using minecraft 1.8 work with Sponge and not have problems and allow plugins and all that to work nice nice. This might be a super basic question, but I just need to know and can't find a solid recent answer to whether I can or not. It seems just about all the pixelmon servers I've tried they are using 3.5.x with 1.7.10 is this just because for them to update they'd have to reset some stuff like map or what ever and they just don't want to do this. Or is there a reason there really aren't any 1.8 pixelmon servers with the new versions of Pixelmon. Please let me know I'd really appreciate it, thank you.

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By MoeBoy76
#164480 it seems to be down to 2 main things: money and "stability"
right now lots of servers have custom plugins they make their server "unique" and they would need to pay for them to be ported to Sponge
the other thing is Sponge is still changing some the the structure of how the code works and some things still aren't in it yet but they are pretty close to being "feature complete" as they are soon releasing a beta