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#165634 Hi everyone! If I break a Haunted Tower (every block except the Pixelmon Spawner) will Ghost Pokemon still spawn even though there aren't any floors? Will they spawn in middle air? The Wiki mentions that different Pokemon can spawn in each floor of the tower with boss Pokemon spawning on the roof!

If Ghost Pokemon stop spawning what if I make my own floors (at the same height) with a different material (Obsidian for example)?

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By Some Body
#165640 Floor numbers are used as a simple way to describe where the spawners are located in the tower. The spawners are just normal spawners and function the same way as if you placed them yourself.
#166082 1 more question regarding Haunted Towers.

The top Pixelmon Spawner that spawns boss Pokemon has Boss Ration at "1", while the other spawners have it at "100".

I guess that means the first spawner is spawning ONLY boss Pokemon while the others spawn ONLY normal Pokemon. But I saw some times some Boss Lampents and Haunters. They probably were spawned by the 2 lower spawners since the top one spawns Chandelures and Gengars instead.

Does this mean hypothetically that the top spawner may spawn a normal Pokemon instead? WHich would mean that it is the only way to get Gengar in a SP server!!
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By Some Body
#166083 The boss ratio is 1:1, which means that all Pokémon spawned by it are boss Pokémon.