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By Odyzzeus
#166271 Hi.

I recently set up a Pixelmon server, but I have some questions. First, I would like to know what files do I need to update when it's time to update the server version(currently I am running 4.1.3). It would be enough to update the "mods" folder(Pixelmon-1.8-4.1.3-universal.jar) or any other files in the server?

Second, I'd like to know if the information of players and pokemon(held and PC) is stored solely in the world folder, or if its stored somewhere else. Is it enough to backup up the "pokemon" and "player data" in order to preserve this information? If I want to migrate the pokemon to another world, that folders are the only ones I need to move?

I hope you can help me.


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By MoeBoy76
#166276 when updating you just need to replace the Pixelmon.jar, the <world name>/pokemon folder contains the pc and party files, the playerdata folder is Minecraft inventory, enderchest inventory, player location and hunger/xp/health, so you just need to pokemon folder to keep pokemon stuff
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By Odyzzeus
#166519 Thank you very much! Now I have another question. I am trying yo change some settings in my server, but the file pixelmon.hocon seems to be not updating the settings or something. For example, I set 64 pokemon boxes, but I only have the default 16. I disabled the rotating in-battle camera but it's not working, it is still spins. Things like that. Do I need to generate a new world in order to this config changes to take place, or am I doing something wrong?
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By MoeBoy76
#166531 Box number must be changed client-side as well and spinning is client-only, it does nothing if you set it to false server-side