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By RivaHakushia
#166383 Hello,

I was wondering since I can not seem to find the information by simply googling it to ask what is the Permission node for this command

/evolvl - Will state the pokemon selected at what level it will evolve or item to use to evolve with.
i.e - /evolvl Charmanader : Charmander will evolve at lvl 16

I have tried using:
- com.pixelextras.commands.evolvl
- com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.commands.evolvl

Which have not allowed basic players to be able to use this command but the command does exist as when used it states they do not have the permission to use it.
If someone could offer some help with this it would be very much appreciated.

Thank you

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By MoeBoy76
#166385 that command doesn't exist in any current versions (which is why it isn't on the wiki page) so you'll have to open the jar with a zip editor (eg 7-zip) and look for it by name