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By DiamondLuver22
#166454 Okay well, I haven't played pixelmon in quite a while and I decided to start playing again. I downloaded the launcher and the latest pixelmon mod and forge jar files but for some reason, I can't drag and drop the forge jar into it's respective place in the profile editor. I even downloaded the recommended version but it won't work. What do I have to do?

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By MoeBoy76
#166456 the launcher downloads and installs forge (and Pixelmon) for you, just select it from the dropdown, alternately you can use a .pixpack from the downloads page to set up a profile for you (double-click it and it automatically opens in the launcher)
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By MoeBoy76
#166460 what version of the launcher are you running? what error does the pixpack give? try setting it to open with the launcher