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By Osidien
#167821 (I didn't know where to put this, so feel free to move this topic)

I've noticed a bunch of people (mainly those who use 32-bit windows) to suffer from more and more lag due to the mod's file capacity. It seems that for them, all their 1G RAM gets filled up rapidly. Before you say 'Allocate more RAM to Minecraft', because I know you were, this might form a problem for those 32-bit computers, since Java doesn't let them. The mod itself, along with Optifine take up atleast 70% of that RAM, leaving the rest to loading games, chunks, etc... This might seem like an over-asked question, but that doesn't make it less true. Has 4.1+ been compressed?

Aside from that, I love this, keep up the work. :-D

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By MoeBoy76
#167824 there are over 400 model and texture files (just for Pixelmon themselves) and they take up the majority of our 500-800 MB RAM usage to load, Vanilla Minecraft 1.8 takes 800 MB - 1GB to run smoothly, so at the very least the mod needs 1324MB of RAM to run properly, this means that people with 8+ year old computers or any 2-in-1 Tablet/Laptops are unable to play well due to the limitations of 32-bit Operating Systems (AKA 1200MB of RAM is the max for any program) are unable to play the game without excessive lag, if at all. There is simply no physical way to make it smaller except to switch to far smaller texture resolution (config option uses to x256 textures instead of x512, smaller res may happen soon) which means that Pixelmon don't look as pretty.

TL;DR if you have a 32-bit PC or Laptop (not a 2-in-1 Tablet thing) that is recent then you should get a refund or have it switched to 64-bit